Warderick Wells is part of the Exuma Land and Sea Park….they have a loop shaped Mooring field with about 20 Mooring Balls. We spent about six days here waiting for a front to blow through.

The small black bars with the white dot are chart symbols for Mooring Balls…..
At the top of Boo Boo Hill is a pile of driftwood signs with boat names and dates. We found a piece of teak on our beach walk that I used to carve our boat name into….it took about six hours to carve and then I burned the letters to make them stand out….
Our sign placed on Boo Boo Hill….
The enormous pile of boat name signs on Boo Boo Hill….
As we placed the sign Kim pointed out that our boat sign sort of ended up (unintentionally) looking like a gun…..
The kissing rocks we found and copied….