Day #3 started early-ish as we pushed off from Hammock Beach Marina around 8:00am and continued our passage Northward. It was a pretty quick day since we only had about 20 miles to cover to reach St. Augustine. We had planned to be there early to avoid any Friday evening increase in boat traffic for the Memorial Day Weekend holiday. It was a good thing too, because the powerboat traffic slowly increased all day.

We made it to St. Augustine around noon and got tied off in the mooring field in time for happy hour !! Here’s little advice if you ever go into this mooring field….don’t listen to the harried staff at the office…there are two red markers 10 and 10a…the poor guy on the phone was so frazzled with all the Memorial Day Weekend calls he said to go on the north side of 10A……unfortunately, there was a shoal…we didn’t get stuck at all and probably could have slipped through since it was 5′ but we backed off and went north of 10 and it was all clear….he clearly must have meant “go on the north side of “10”….we did think that advice was a little odd since there were two red markers so close together but we deferred to what we thought was the “local knowledge” at a the time. No harm, no foul though.
I feel like I’m not going out on a limb here by saying that St. Augustine is a great town to hang out in for a few days and maybe more. We spent the entire holiday weekend on the mooring ball. We walked the rustic downtown areas, saw some great architecture (and some great bars and restaurants). See our Facebook page for a more detailed accounting of where we visited….