How your way of thinking will probably change …..or things that make you go “hmmmm”


Recently, while standing on deck, I realized how spending more and more time on our boat has created a new way of looking at situations for me.  I saw this boat on that particular day and I immediately began to think about the conditions that were present.  In this instance, the pictured boat is anchored, the rode for the anchor (which appears to be rope)  has a very steep angle, which seems to indicate that there isn’t much scope deployed.  The boat is facing South as both the wind and the current are running North at about 5kph.  The boat is anchored <100′ from the swing bridge located to the North, off the stern. Sunset was about 60 minutes away so I assumed the skipper planned to spend the night.  There wasn’t a dinghy visible, so either the boat didn’t have one or the maybe some, or all, of the crew was ashore….this image made me think….what would I have done differently if anything?……What do you think?

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I'm the average sailor...converted from a landlubber of course. While I was born with a love of the ocean it has evolved into a love of sailboats and other vessels that ply the open seas and connected waterways. I am probably like most of the people who (hopefully) will read our blog with the exception that we are now doing what we always dreamed of doing and I hope to help others do the same. I am NOT any of the following...a naval architect, a marine surveyor or connected commercially to any builder, distributor or boat sales organization. My opinions are generally my own, although influenced by many years of research.

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