Some interesting things we saw along the way…..

Lake Worth Sunset at anchor
Lake Worth Sunset at anchor


The featured image is of a Stuart, Florida sunset.

These are some photos of “Stiltsville” just inside the Biscayne Bay Inlet south of Miami….this area, once known as “the flats” began seeing structures rumored to have been constructed as early as 1922.  The structures ranges from grounded barges and yachts supported by concrete pilings to straightforward club style structures used for gambling, liquor distribution and other interesting escapades.  Most were almost completely destroyed by a hurricane in 1965 one notorious one burned to the waterline shortly thereafter, and as usual the “fun police” slowly shut down or annexed the rest of the area into the Biscayne National Park.

Stiltsville #1
Stiltsville #1
Stiltsville #2
Stiltsville #2
Stiltsville #3
Stiltsville #3
Stuart, Florida sunset
Stuart, Florida sunset

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I'm the average sailor...converted from a landlubber of course. While I was born with a love of the ocean it has evolved into a love of sailboats and other vessels that ply the open seas and connected waterways. I am probably like most of the people who (hopefully) will read our blog with the exception that we are now doing what we always dreamed of doing and I hope to help others do the same. I am NOT any of the following...a naval architect, a marine surveyor or connected commercially to any builder, distributor or boat sales organization. My opinions are generally my own, although influenced by many years of research.

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